Theresa M. Szczurek, PhD (Boulder, CO), helps organizations and individuals succeed by aligning their passions with purpose. An award-winning business leader and speaker featured in Fortune and other publications, she has served such clients as AT&T, the Polish Chamber of Commerce, and Brown University. She is an award-winning speaker, consultant, author and experienced entrepreneur whose company sold for over $40 million.
In the August 2005 Newsletter:
  How do you know? / The O in Sunflower / Events

How Do You Really Know?

...that you are making a meaningful difference, that is. What is the measure to know if you are contributing? If indeed fame, fortune, and all the familiar measures of success are not the indicators of living a great life, then what is?

As I finally paused this last month to take a long overdue break to replenish and rejuvenate, I began to ponder. What impact is my work — living this dream — making? Even though I have worked very hard, perhaps too hard, spreading the important message from my research by touring the country, speaking, giving media interviews, writing articles and newsletters, what difference did it make? I sought some tangible evidence that the price I paid — months away from my home and family, the investment of time working rather than playing, the opportunity cost of lost consulting income, the additional stress of the tour, and so much more — was worth it.

Okay, there are the traditional measures of impact as a gauge: number of books sold, speeches given, people in my presentation audiences, best-seller lists, Google hits, etc. Yes, my ego wanted these and I was seduced by them. But do those give a true measure? Absolutely not! For an achiever with outrageously high standards, those are never enough. There is always another accolade to win. And, those accomplishments, while nice, soon become empty when not combined with a true measure of meaningfulness.

Then what is the true measure? This last weekend, as I went on retreat with a close-knit group of consultants, I remembered. It was not an accident that the retreat was held at Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, CO, the most special home of the Emissaries of Divine Light ( There are no accidents in life. This was the very place that during a writing retreat two years ago, the foundation for finishing my book was laid.

Three Emissaries I had never met greeted me upon arrival. With my book in hand, they shared with me how my work had positively impacted them. Kelly asked me, "Does the book always open to the exact page with the message you need?" I woke up. My heart opened again and I thought to myself, "Oh, my work IS making a difference." The contribution I was making could only be measured in my heart, based on the impact on others in the web of life.

Then I recalled the words of Ellie Sciarra, the tap dancer featured in Pursuit of Passionate Purpose (p.233),

  "I realized that you don't know how you're going to impact someone."

Practical Pointers

Look within. You must measure the impact you are making in your heart. Experiment with ways to open your heart so you can hear it speak to you.
Listen. Be open to feedback from others — it can help immensely. Your heart may speak through others.
Give feedback. Share with others how they have positively impacted you. We all need and want feedback. You may be the encouragement someone needs to continue his/her dream.

The O in Sunflower

Passionate Pursuers, people who successfully find and pursue a worthwhile purpose with intense interest, enthusiasm, and dedication, have nine winning traits. Consistent with the bold flower on the cover of Pursuit of Passionate Purpose, each trait aligns with a letter in the word SUNFLOWER. Over each of nine months of 2005, this newsletter is highlighting a "Sunflower" characteristic. Take the Self Inventory on page 54 of Pursuit of Passionate Purpose to assess how well you are doing with these traits.

O - Optimism. Passionate Pursuers carry a hopeful, upbeat disposition and believe that good prevails. Norman Vincent Peale in The Power of Positive Thinking popularized and humanized the importance of such a can-do outlook using examples of real people. Just as sunflowers bend their heads and move with the sun, so too can you choose to follow the light, not the darkness of life.

Most people know all too well that life has both lightness and darkness, good and not-so-good times. Even sunflowers, going through the cycle of life, eventually shrivel up and die. However, through their natural reseeding, new young flowers soon emerge. The death, or darkness, brings new life, even more lightness.

Practical Pointers

Ask. What helps you see the sunny side? Is it surrounding yourself with positive people, reading inspiring stories, listening to uplifting music, counting your blessings at the end of the day, or what? Promise to do one thing each day to help swing your pendulum to the positive side.
Appreciate. Recognize the shadow with a positive perspective, rather than ignore or damn it. Trust that the golden thread of your life is woven with both joy and grief. Going through the lows permits you to truly experience the highs. Be grateful for the polarity — light and dark.
Affirm. Say this affirmation: "I approach situations with an optimistic attitude."

Upcoming Events and Media Interviews

Theresa is taking the advice in her book, pausing to regenerate and rejuvenate (as in the R in Sunflower) for the month of August. Her normal speaking / consulting / coaching schedule resumes after Labor Day in September.


Be a BUZZ AGENT about Pursuit of Passionate Purpose. A grass roots effort is the best way to build momentum. Please keep me in mind for speaking / consulting at business and organizational events and media opportunities.


Don't Just Wish for a Prosperous Year. Listen to your heart to know the deep impact you are making. Give feedback to others. Let Technology and Management Solutions, the catalyst for your extraordinary results, help you and your organization thrive in these challenging times.

Give the book, Pursuit of Passionate Purpose, as a present. It is available wherever books are sold including:

Thrive in 2005,
Theresa M. Szczurek, Ph.D.
CEO, entrepreneur, and author

P.S. Pass it on. Feel free to share this newsletter with your colleagues.

Theresa M. Szczurek, Ph.D.

Technology and Management Solutions

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